Thursday, September 20, 2007

Don't Panic!!!

I just took a look at our "real" class website, and lookie what I found:

Team Assignment
  • Post your questions in the discussion space in the Teacher as Researcher Discussion Space.
  • Review your teammates' questions.
  • List the key questions and plan how to investigate them as a team.
  • List answers to your questions as you build knowledge together.
Deadline: Monday, September 24 2007 11:59 PM (Central Time)


. . . erm, I mean, uh, I have every confidence we could have finished the task tomorrow - we're getting some good collaboration going. (Wheee!!!)

But just think how much better it'll be after we've had some time to cogitate over the weekend. I don't know about y'all, but my brain needs time to muddle through ideas before there's any hope of coherent output.


Jenny said...

Amen and Halleluiah. Or in pagan terms, AHHHHHHH and YAY! I agree, Cheryl, about needing time to muddle through it all. After a long day (or week) of teaching, I'm finding it hard to think coherently. It's hard enough when I'm not teaching . . . This whole thing (thinkin' real hard) is tough for me. Right now I'm trying to focus on the monitor with one eye open while the other sleeps. It's not working.

JoanS said...

JoanS said...
Like the blog. Thanks for getting us started. These resource sites are amazing. The more I read, the more questions I have.

I also want to learn how scientists collect thier data, meaning, and processes involved.

More questions

Why is global warming a problem? If it is? How much warmer will the earth become? Effects of global warming?

What can we do about global warming?

With rising sea level, how much and how fast, and what are the effects? Will my favorite Hawaiian Islands disappear?

Instead of global warming, I read the term climate - what about the changing climates? What will happen to western Kansas - if it has consecutive dry years again? Are the extreme and unusual weather events caused by global warming? or are they even extreme and unusual?

One site asked? If Earth has warmed and cooled throughout history, what makes scientists think that humans are causing global warming now? I thought this also.

I am fasinated with the increasing sea levels, why global warming a problem and the effects, and what we can do?

There is so much info!!!!